Cover Article
- From the Editorby Steve ParkerThe evolution of modern dentistry has taken some rather dramatic twists and turns over its 163 years. From Painless Parker extracting buckets…
- Stop the Bleeding!by Chris Kammer DDS, FAAOSHMedical and Dental Collaboration – Saving lives since 2010 You could say that my oral systemic passion began in the cosmetic dental…
- What treatments can dentists and physicians collaborate on – AND HOW?by Christine TaxinI am asked daily from practices across the country “Why should we bother learning how to bill medical insurance when the medical…
- Screening for Oral Systemic Diseasesby Avi WeisfogelChronic sleep disorders affect over 70 million people in the United States alone, with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) accounting for more than…
- What’s Your Number?by Tanya DunlapHis mother was in the chair. The first surgery had gone well. He congratulated her and recommended she schedule the next appointment.…
- Go “Outside the Op” for a Wellness Break with OSH Pioneer and Champion Dr. Barbara McClatchieby Barbara McClatchieMeet Barb… There is perhaps no one better known as a pioneer in the oral-systemic movement than Dr. Barb McClatchie. When you…
- The Dentist’s Retirement Survival Guideby David Phelps/*! elementor-pro – v3.10.1 – 09-01-2023 */ @charset “UTF-8″;.entry-content blockquote.elementor-blockquote:not(.alignright):not(.alignleft),.entry-summary blockquote.elementor-blockquote{margin-right:0;margin-left:0}.elementor-widget-blockquote blockquote{margin:0;padding:0;outline:0;font-size:100%;vertical-align:baseline;background:transparent;quotes:none;border:0;font-style:normal;color:#55595c}.elementor-widget-blockquote blockquote .e-q-footer:after,.elementor-widget-blockquote blockquote .e-q-footer:before,.elementor-widget-blockquote blockquote:after,.elementor-widget-blockquote blockquote:before,.elementor-widget-blockquote blockquote cite:after,.elementor-widget-blockquote blockquote cite:before{content:none}.elementor-blockquote{transition:.3s}.elementor-blockquote__author,.elementor-blockquote__content{margin-bottom:0;font-style:normal}.elementor-blockquote__author{font-weight:700}.elementor-blockquote…
- The Front Office – What Exactly is Their Role?by Denise Williams JonesThere seems to be a lack of understanding of the role of the front office team. If you ask the doctor, clinical,…
- Whole-body and Practice Health In the ‘Mouth-Body’ Connected World by Lee OstlerThe world of oral-systemic healthcare has grown in significance and acceptance since its inception at the close of the last century. While…
- Improve Overall Patient Health with the Oral Systemic Movementby Douglas ThompsonDentists are saving people’s lives I used to think it was hokey to say that – but it’s true. We’re learning more…
- What do Sherlock Holmes and Dentists Have in Common? by DeWitt WilkersonHolmes’ job description is similar to the modern-day dentist! Sherlock Holmes is a fictional private detective created by British author Sir Arthur…
- The Oral-Systemic Linkby Mike MilliganThe Oral-Systemic Link has many components, yet they are all interconnected. Let’s keep it simple. I like to think of three main…
- A Physician’s Treasure Trove for Oral Health Awareness, Diagnosis, Treatmentby Elle CampbellNo cardiovascular prevention program is complete without a dentist and hygienist on the team. EVERY primary care patient should know the name…
- The Future of Dentistry Lies in Oral AND Systemic Healthby Susan MaplesYou can only sell what you have on the shelf… If you are wondering how to take your practice to the next…
- Leadership that Winsby Angela Davis-Sullivan5 Keys to Leading Your Practice Leading your practice is the reality of being the dentist-owner. Being the leader is not always…
- YES Doctor – You DO Need To Do Videos To Market Your Practiceby Laura NadlerGet comfortable hitting the record button For some dentist-owners I work with, the idea of doing video to promote their practice is…
- It’s a FACT. Dentistry Is One of the Most Embezzled Professionsby William Hiltz60% of dentists have been a victim of embezzlement Virtually every dentist can name at least one other dentist they know who…
- Dentists Can No Longer Hide From HIPAAby Amy WoodProtect your practice from the risk (and expense) of HIPAA violations When HIPAA, the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, was enacted…