Home Issues2023 OSH Issue YES Doctor – You DO Need To Do Videos To Market Your Practice

YES Doctor – You DO Need To Do Videos To Market Your Practice

Why videos are a critical component of your website

by Laura Nadler

Get comfortable hitting the record button

For some dentist-owners I work with, the idea of doing video to promote their practice is cause for joy – they do it all the time and see the benefits of doing it.  Yet, for most it seems an intimidating idea – and they wish I’d stop talking about it.  I get it.  Most people aren’t comfortable in front of the camera.  Why?  Maybe they’re afraid it won’t look natural.  Maybe they’re not sure what to talk about or how. Or maybe they’re asking…does it really matter? Will it really move the needle and get results?  Will I get more of the types of patients I want to see?  The answers are yes, yes, and yes!

Featuring video on your website is both practical and results driven while also delivering a more emotional approach to an otherwise clinical and impersonal business website: 

  1. Practical: Video directly impacts Search Engine Optimization performance and results
  2. Emotional: Video allows you to connect with patients and prospects as a person – not just a dentist 

Let’s explore each below…

Practical: SEO Performance

Google LOVES video.  Video is seen as fresh content and having it on your home page helps Google love your page.  When Google loves you, it serves you up higher in search.  No number of keywords can get you the same result.

Video also makes people spend more time on your page; another marker to Google that your site is worth showing to people.  Having video on multiple pages – think “About Us”, “Tour the Office” – causes people to click around your site on their quest to learn more about you.  Guess who loves that??  That’s right – Google!  I’m hoping you see the trend here.

These practical reasons help people find you by getting Google to increase your ranking. And once they are on your site, you can connect in a genuine way that nets real results.    

Emotional: The Personal Connection

There are five types of videos key for your website that allow you to impact a prospect or patient emotionally and personally.  Let’s break them down and talk about the ROI for each:

1: Meet the Doctor Video

I’m betting you a have bio on your About page.  It tells people where you went to school, the associations you belong to, how many kids you have, and that you go spelunking in your free time.

That’s great…but take a moment to consider the power of a Meet the Doctor video that explains who you really are.  Are you formal and precise? Are you casual and friendly? Are you high energy or chill?

You see, people buy from people, and patients are people first. Your degrees and affiliations are incredibly important in the big picture, but you the person is who a patient wants to know and connect with.  At the most basic level they want to know, “Do I want to go to this office and deal with these people?”

2: Meet the Team Video

Same goes for the team. The Meet the Team page is the second most clicked on page of a dental website, so make sure you give the people what they want – insight into the team they will get to know and entrust their care to within your practice. This also provides a unique way to showcase each of your team members as individuals and reinforces why your practice stands out. 

3: Practice Philosophy/Mission Statement

A video that talks about your Practice Philosophy or Mission Statement will tell prospective patients what you believe in and what you value as the clinical leader and team leader of your practice.  We like to associate with people who share our values, so this story helps you connect with patients who will appreciate what you have to offer. When considering this type of video, remember it works best if placed on your home page.

4: Tour the Office Video

In addition to creating a human connection, video on your site will also identify you as a thought leader or expert on the services you provide. Videos that feature a Tour of the Office and narrate the technology you use and the services you provide allow patients to trust you as a source of information and guidance. They also give people that all important “sneak peek” into the practice.

5: Patient Testimonials

Finally, we are all review checkers.  You probably did it the last time you tried a new restaurant or looked for a new product or service.  We all want to know what someone else has experienced before we make the decision for ourselves.  Capturing video testimony from a few patients of record explaining how your practice, team, services, and compassion impacted their life is POWERFUL! Patient Testimonial Videos provide the social proof for the things you say about yourself, your team, and your practice. 

Video drives patient acquisition and retention

In short, simply having video will help people find you.  Creating video that tells your story will help people connect with you, and THOSE people become patients.  You’re already a great dentist.  Let your patients and prospects know just how great through video!

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