Take this quiz. Do you ever:
• feel stuck in a rut?
• want more new patients?
• worry about how to grow revenue in a PPO environment?
• want great team members, without the drama?
• want to keep your schedule from falling apart?
If so, this is for you. I’m Dr. John Meis, a 4th generation Dentist. I was born to do dentistry. And my practice in Sioux City, Iowa was doing okay thanks to lots of long hours and hard work.
But after a brush with death at age 28, I realized a painful truth…I couldn’t afford to die! My family depended 100% on my being in the practice every day. Without me doing all the work, my wife and 2 young children faced a future of financial hardships.
My health scare (a heart condition, now symptom-free) was a wakeup call. It forced me to get serious about building a practice that ran on systems and teams … not on my labor. After 11 years of trial and error, I created what I call the “Double Your Production System.” It took me to over $225k/mo. in personal production … yet I always made it home for dinner. It let me quickly double and even triple production in any other dental practice I walked into. And since 2005, I’ve advised more than 4,439 dentists and staff in 12 countries.
The Strange Secret To Growth
What if everything you’ve been told about growing your practice was wrong? For example, what if you don’t have a new patient problem? What if bringing in more new patients, like blasting water from a firehose into a leaky bucket, is actually causing your current practice to fail? That’s just one of dozens of unconventional success secrets you’ll discover in my new book …
“The Ultimate Guide To Doubling Or Tripling Dental Practice Production”
Don’t spend another nickel on marketing or hiring a non-dentist “guru” before you get this book. In it, I reveal exactly how I built a $6-Million practice in little Sioux City… opened 12 more practices nearby… and how I’ve grown over 150 practices that I’ve been a partner in. Here’s a small sample:
• Why “bad news” about insurance coverage leads to 80-95% case acceptance (pages 24-25)
• The simple roadmap to $326,400 in new revenue, without advertising (page 126)
• How to boost your production to $225,000 a month by doing new patient exams in just 8 minutes without sacrificing care! (pages 50-62)
• The #1 secret to case acceptance is an “E———C——– Exam” (pages 55-60)
• How to double your production starting tomorrow (yes, tomorrow) (pages 15-18)
• How to reclaim $102,952 in new revenue per hygienist by “framing” (see page 29)
• How to replace your salary with profits that multiply, while you do other things (pages 119-120)
• Why “nesting” is stopping you from tripling production (and how to fix it). (See pages 71-72)
• How to create $440,000 a year in production.
Hint: no more meetings!? (pages 87-88)
Free Book
Readers of The Profitable Dentist are entitled to a Free copy of this new book, while supplies last. Go to: