There is a lot to consider in deciding when and how to make the jump to digital dentistry. From patient record keeping, …
- MarketingNew PatientsPractice Management
Get Only 15% Better and Double Your Revenue!
by particaby partica 7 minutes readIs your practice providing everything that you want or desire? Do you have enough new patients? Do you do the kind of …
- Business ModelLegalSmall Group Practices
An Introductory Guide to Dental Service Organizations
by particaby partica 4 minutes readI am frequently asked by clients (who have developed anywhere from a single practice location to a hundred practice locations) when is …
- MarketingNew PatientsPractice Management
Stats Don’t Lie- When Do Patients Call a Dentist?
by particaby partica 4 minutes readWhen Do new Patients Call a Dentist?
- CoachingPractice ManagementProfitable practicesStart-Up
Career Income Potential
by particaby partica 5 minutes readMost doctors will practice dentistry an average of thirtyfive years throughout their career. The number of years a doctor ultimately practices times …
- ClinicalPedodonticsSpecialties
Set your Practice Apart and Bring Excitement to your Office
by particaby partica 2 minutes readHealthy Start System treats sleep disordered breathing in children as well as straightens teeth without braces. Every night in America, an estimated …
- LeadershipPractice Building SkillsPractice Management
Be Proactive! Success in Today’s Environment
by particaby partica 7 minutes readSuccess in today’s environment
- Case PresentationOral Systemic HealthSleep
A New Screening Tool Connects Cormobidities to Sleep Disordered Breathing: The lamberg Questionnaire “lQ”
by particaby partica 3 minutes readImplementing Dental Sleep Medicine is NOT as easy as many lecturers would have you believe. In addition to having protocols in place …
- Case PresentationOral Systemic HealthSleep
9 out of 10 children Suffer From Symptoms of Sleep disordered breathing
by particaby partica 3 minutes readSDB in a child is the interruption of breathing impacting a child’s ability to receive the appropriate amount of oxygen and preventing …