As a dentist with 37 years of experience, I have always sought ways to improve my practice and provide the best care…
Practice Spotlight
- Hygiene ManagementPractice SpotlightPractice ManagementCover Profile
3 New Rules for Leading Hygiene to Drive Patient Outcomes AND Profitability
by Rachel Wallby Rachel Wall 8 minutes readThe success of your hygiene team starts with you, Doctor As a dentist and business owner, you may see articles about running…
- Practice Spotlight
Have You Been Thinking About Technology All Wrong?
by Steve Parkerby Steve Parker 5 minutes readIn three words or less, what pops in your mind when you hear the term “Digital Dentistry?” That was one of the…
According to Albert Einstein, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity,” …even if you’re a dentist (I added the last part). Every…
- Practice Spotlight
Your Great Reset – How Will You Find Freedom in the Post-COVID Economy?
by TPD Editorby TPD Editor 8 minutes readThis time is different. Returning to the familiar would be a mistake. A recent dental survey asked this question: “Are you going…
- Practice Spotlight
How Donald Trump Is Single Handedly Killing The Solo Dentist
by particaby partica 6 minutes readLike him, or hate him, there are some FACTS as a practicing dentist you can’t ignore…. • The Stock Market (Dow –…
- Practice Spotlight
Choosing The Right Refiner Can Get You Thousands More for Your Scrap
by particaby partica 2 minutes readEarned $1500 More with Scientific Metals When Precision Meets Integrity: Here are some real life examples of dentists who have earned 30-50% more…