Dental care is expensive, and many of your patients may only have minimal dental coverage. This can cause big problems when they …
- PPO NegotiationInsurancePractice Management
10 Things You Need to Know About You and PPOs
by Bill Rossiby Bill Rossi 2 minutes read1. You have more power than you think. 2. Practices with little or no PPO participation generally do get fewer new patients. However, …
- InsuranceMedical/Dental CodingPractice Management
Understanding and Applying the New Gingivitis Code 4346
by Wendy Briggsby Wendy Briggs 7 minutes readI have received many questions about this new code. When is it appropriate to use it? What will insurance cover? What are …
- InsurancePractice Management
ASK STEVE “Do You Take My Insurance?”
by Steven Anderson 2 minutes read❝Do you take my insurance?❞
- InsurancePractice Management
Do You Have Credits On Your Accounts Aging Report?
by Christine Taxin 6 minutes readMany offices are so proud of their A/R report when they have a large credit balance. I do applaud the teams who …
- InsurancePractice Management
Are You Mad As Hell And Don’t Want To Take It Anymore?
by Bill Rossiby Bill Rossi 9 minutes readFor over 30 years, I’ve surveyed Upper Midwest dentists on the issues most important to them. Attracting patients, finding, training, and paying …
- Medical/Dental CodingInsurancePractice Management
Documenting Medical Necessity
by Christine Taxin 5 minutes readTo receive reimbursement from medical insurers, you need to make a case that proves that dental surgery is necessary for the patient. …
- InsurancePractice Management
The Many Benefits Of Not Being Fee For Service
by Steven Mautner 3 minutes readOne thing hasn’t changed in the twenty odd years I’ve been involved in dental social media – the perpetual quest for dentists …
- InsuranceMedical/Dental CodingPractice Management
Seven Simple Steps to Jump-Start Diagnostic Coding in Your Dental Office
by Christine Taxin 3 minutes readIf you want to serve your patients and help them afford the treatments they need, it’s time to start using ICD-10-CM diagnostic …
- InsurancePractice Management
Five Essential Steps to Managing Your Insurance Cycle
by particaby partica 2 minutes readRunning the insurance side of the practice effectively means systems, habits and follow-up. There’s just no other way around it. You are …