Home Practice ManagementInsurance ASK STEVE “Do You Take My Insurance?”

ASK STEVE “Do You Take My Insurance?”

by Steven Anderson


Steve, with so many changes taking place with dental insurance, we are considering dropping some of the plans for which we are a contracted provider. Is there a best way to respond to potential new patients who have insurance we are not contracted with that will increase our chances of scheduling them as a new patient?


While there may not be a guaranteed way to schedule a patient who has insurance with a company that you are not contracted with, there are some proven verbal skills that will increase your success. Here is a suggested response:

“Thanks for the question. With which company are your dental benefits?

(XYZ Company)

We have many patients with XYZ dental benefits.

(Only if you do!) Would you be interested in knowing why they choose our practice?


We are an unrestricted provider which gives us the freedom to work with just about all types of insurance.

We are not under contract with any company that can dictate the treatment you receive. That is between you and the doctor. In addition, our patients with XYZ Insurance tell us that they prefer to come to Dr. _____ because of the excellent quality care and service that they receive. In addition, we help all of our patients file their claims so they can maximize the benefits that are available to them.

Why don’t we go ahead and schedule your initial visit with Dr. _____? I am sure you will see exactly what our patients are talking about. Would ______ or _______ (day) be better for you?”

I could take several pages to explain all of the powerful psychology involved in this response which space will not allow. The key is to have a response that you have practiced, that you can use each time, that will increase your chances of success.

(For access to the upcoming webinar entitled “Taking Insurance OUT of the Case Acceptance Equation” packed with case acceptance ideas that overcome the insurance objection, email: Answers@TotalPatientService.com)

Steven J. Anderson is dentistry’s “Yes” Man. Have a case acceptance question? To submit your questions on treatment acceptance, verbal skills, and patient education and motivation, send your questions to Answers@totalpatientservice.com."

Submit your questions to Steve at Answers@totalpatientservice.com

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