The Greatest Need in Periodontology: A Cure Periodontitis, termed as the world’s most prevalent infectious disease (Periodontology 2000, Vol. 20, 1999), is…
- PedodonticsClinicalOral Systemic Health
Improving Oral Health – One Patient at a Time
by Boyd Simkinsby Boyd Simkins 7 minutes readWhat dental school forgot to mention Walking into dental school, I dreamed of changing the world. Walking out, I had been trained…
- PeriodonticsSpecialtiesClinical
Is Your Periodontal Policy Putting You at Risk
by Wendy Briggsby Wendy Briggs 7 minutes readPeriodontal care has become a serious liability risk for dental practices. This one serious untreated condition is responsible for more lawyers ruining…
- PedodonticsSpecialtiesClinical
Set your Practice Apart and Bring Excitement to your Office
by particaby partica 2 minutes readHealthy Start System treats sleep disordered breathing in children as well as straightens teeth without braces. Every night in America, an estimated…
- PedodonticsSpecialtiesClinical
Incorporate Pediatric Sleep into your Practice and Set Yourself Apart
by particaby partica 4 minutes readHealthy Start addresses Sleep Disordered Breathing and provides life-changing treatments for our little patients while providing large profits, new patients, and the…
I practiced general dentistry in Keokuk, Iowa, population 10,000 and declining pretty steadily, and there I did a bit of everything, including…
Handy During A Pandemic