Quick tips regarding the five key risk management areas of your practice In the ever-evolving field of dentistry, effective risk management training…
HIPPA Compliance
- HIPPA ComplianceOperations
The Dental Heist: How HIPAA Foiled a Potential Practice Buyer’s Patient Records Theft
by Amy Woodby Amy Wood 2 minutes readDentist’s Quick Thinking Prevents Patient Data Theft Practice owners transitioning out of clinical dentistry are making surprising mistakes, as revealed by a…
- 2023 Digital DentistryHIPPA CompliancePractice Management
Will the HIPAA Police Fine You?
by Amy Woodby Amy Wood 4 minutes readThese days, it’s absolutely possible … Almost every lecture or workshop I teach is followed with this question, “Will the HIPAA police…
- 2023 OSH IssueHIPPA CompliancePractice Management
Dentists Can No Longer Hide From HIPAA
by Amy Woodby Amy Wood 5 minutes readProtect your practice from the risk (and expense) of HIPAA violations When HIPAA, the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, was enacted…
- Risk MgmtHIPPA CompliancePractice ManagementSoftwareTechnology and MaterialsOperations
How To Not Get Ransomware
by Amy Woodby Amy Wood 6 minutes readFind out if your practice is vulnerable Another day, another call about a dental practice getting ransomware. Sadly, more and more dental…
- HIPPA CompliancePractice ManagementOperations
HIPAA Compliance for the dental office
by particaby partica 8 minutes readWhen you mention HIPAA to most dentists or dental office managers you will most likely receive a negative response. Implementing HIPAA can…