Home Technology and MaterialsEquipmentLasers What Do You See When You Look in the Mirror?

What Do You See When You Look in the Mirror?

by Kevin Coughlin

What I see is opportunity. Dentistry is a wonderful profession.

However, like many professions, change is constant, some changes for the better, some changes not so much.

For many years, lasers have been an important part of dentistry. Some of their uses include intra-oral tissue removal, tissue re-contouring, tooth whitening, dental caries removal, disinfection of periodontal pockets, along with many other uses.

Most of us in the dental profession look only at their patients’ oral cavities and look right past their faces. This is what we are most comfortable with and have been trained to diagnosis the problems and treat those problems in the oral cavity. But if you are willing to look outside of the box, on the face, the uses of lasers are many!

I have recently taken an extensive course through the National Laser Institute to investigate the many uses of lasers in other areas and possibly adding them to my dental offices. During this course, I was able to experience many lasers, their many different functions, and investigate the many different laser companies. My first hand experience with the National Laser Institute could not have been better. Their team was professional, knowledgeable, and the experience was very enjoyable. But what was most important is that I witnessed firsthand the many uses of different lasers and the huge number of patients or clients who were clamoring for care and treatment.

Below are a few examples of what lasers can offer for care and treatment.

• Hair Removal

• Brown and red spot removal

• Tattoo removal

• Facial rejuvenation, radio frequency care and treatment

• IPL treatments or intense pulsed light photo facials

• Wrinkle reduction and fractional laser treatments

• Micro needling

• Vein reduction

• Body contouring that targets adipose and cellulite areas

Some interesting facts: Did you know that almost 30 million people in the U.S. have tattoos and almost 80% over the age of 40 want them removed? Many women and men would like to see the removal of sun damaged age spots and wrinkles and fine lines from their faces. Also, many women also have unwanted hair on their face that they would like removed. These are just a few of the treatment options available.

Today, health care professionals face more challenges in their practices such as insurance companies reducing fees, more rules and regulations, and competition from DSO’s and MSO’s. There seems to be a tremendous opportunity awaiting us if we take the time to learn, understand and act on it.

During my 35-year dental professional and business career, what I have always known is that your patients’ care and well being always come first. However, nowadays there seems to be a great demand, an unmet need for facial esthetics. There is usually very little pain involved with almost immediate results. Depending on the procedure, treatments can be completed in 1 to 4 visits. Patients are happy with the results and fortunately the aging process does not stop. Patients always want to continue to slow down the signs of aging.

With the correct laser, techniques, and training, a tremendous opportunity awaits us.

Author, educator and lecturer, Kevin Coughlin, DMM, MAGD, MBA, is the owner of Ascent-Dental-Solutions. It is a company with a focus on knowledge, development, training, and consultation. Dr. Coughlin also started Baystate Dental in 1983 with 14 practices, 150 employees, and continues to practice in all aspects of dentistry. You may contact Dr. Coughlin at DrKevin@AscentDental-Solutions.com, or 800-983-4126 or 413-634-4459.

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