Home Small Group PracticesOperationsClinical Systems Management Revolutionary Fastbraces ® Technology allows General Dentists to complete comprehensive orthodontic cases in as little as 60 to 90 days

Revolutionary Fastbraces ® Technology allows General Dentists to complete comprehensive orthodontic cases in as little as 60 to 90 days

by Anthony Viazis DDS, MS

Revolutionary Technology That's Been Around Decades

Orthodontic treatment performed by general dentists is undergoing one of the most exciting reforms in diagnosis and treatment. In today’s fast-paced society, a powerful new approach to orthodontic treatment has emerged. As patients prioritize faster treatments, Fastbraces® Technologies is stepping in to meet this growing demand. Fastbraces® technology achieves fast alignment of teeth properly, resulting in remarkably short treatment durations. It makes it possible for quality orthodontic treatments to be completed quickly, even in just 60–90 days. Even spaces for implants can now be completed in about 100 days.

Fastbraces®’ high-performing patented orthodontic bracket methods and systems bring the roots of the teeth toward their final straight position from the beginning of treatment with a single square wire, which simultaneously restores the natural alveolar bone morphology by using triangular bracket and square wire systems with elevated slots and unique elbow designs that constantly change the equation of the wire flexibility as the teeth move. The bracket systems with variable wire flexibility upright the roots of the teeth with a single archwire with low forces and minimal friction as tooth movement occurs.

The Fastbraces®’ method begins at diagnosis: It focuses on the alveolar bone defects created by malerupted teeth to diagnose and treat cases without extractions. By using an “alveolar bone formula score,” which measures the severity of the defects of the alveolar bone structure, any dentist trained in the Fastbraces® method can easily identify the difficulty level and estimate the time it will take to straighten a patient’s teeth, calculated in days.

The treatment approach of Fastbraces® promotes the horizontal restoration of alveolar bone, analogous to the vertical restoration of alveolar bone in periodontal treatment planning and therapy. To that effect, Fastbraces® Technologies has introduced a novel diagnostic tool of alveolar probing and the term “cup” to describe alveolar bone hypoplasia associated with malaligned teeth. Like pocket depth, cupping depth measurement can be assessed in millimeters using a periodontal probe and offers valuable diagnostic information, including the extent of alveolar bone deficiency and the potential for future alveolar bone restoration.

To measure cupping depth, a periodontal probe is placed parallel to the incisal or occlusal plane and used to determine the distance between the facial or buccal surface of the misaligned tooth at its most prominent facial convexity and the facial or buccal surface of the nearest straight tooth at its most prominent facial convexity. The greater the cupping measurement or blocking of a tooth, the greater the volumetric bone deficiency. However, unlike pocket depths in periodontal probing, which generally signify greater severity of disease with increased depths, larger cupping measurements can be correlated with greater potential of alveolar bone volumetric increases to natural or normal levels.

Fastbraces® Technologies’ diagnosis and treatments involving the alveolar bone have the potential to revolutionize multiple fields of dentistry from periodontics and prosthodontics to orthodontics and pediatric dentistry. This new orthodontic technology is helping change the financial landscape of the dental

office by allowing general dentists to treat orthodontic patients not just safely and easily but also fast and predictably—so much so that it could not only shift part of the multibillion-dollar orthodontic industry more toward the general dental practice but expand dramatically multiple dental restorative and periodontal procedures.

Doctors learn online how to move teeth fast, safely, and easily from the comfort of their home or practice with easy videos in just one day, as well as through live webinars, or at live seminars in Dallas where staff can come for free too. Many Fastbraces® providers use the internationally recognized Fastbraces logo as a sign on the front of their dental office to attract more new patients and significantly boost their practice revenue.

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