Home Practice Management Recession-Proof Your Practice For The Next Crisis

Recession-Proof Your Practice For The Next Crisis

by Graig Presti

Let’s face it…2020 has not started on the best foot…to put it lightly. We have all felt the effects of a very painful and confusing time. Between stayat-home orders and the roller coaster economy tied to COVID-19, as well as the national fallout and civil unrest from the death of George Floyd, our emotional and financial well-being have taken quite a hit on a national (if not international) scale.

For almost all dentists, this year has been stressful at best and financially devastating at worst. More dentists have permanently gone out of business than the last 5 YEARS COMBINED!

Despite all the tumult, my tune has not changed.

Although it might be a “new normal”, life will return to some semblance of the status quo. Patients will begin to make appointments again.

However, part of this new normal will involve an even greater degree of skepticism on who they can trust.

Your only real choice when it comes to new patient acquisition and retention is through high-quality marketing. And as I’ve told you before, that centers around three primary things.

1. Build Up Your “Google House”

Claim your Google business listing today. Don’t wait. It’s your public face to prospective patients, and if it’s fraught with misinformation (i.e. wrong address, duplicate listings, incorrect phone number), then you’re letting prospective patient leads and referrals go down the drain.

2. Influence Via Your Own YouTube Channel

There are thousands of highly-UNqualified “experts” on YouTube offering potentially dangerous dental advice, and at the very least, these “YouTube Influencers” are spreading misinformation about proper dental hygiene and treatment.

Change the conversation by shooting and uploading your own info-packed videos. Give viewers tips on how to take care of themselves and their families, and then leave them with a call-to-action to call your office for more information and care. When you position yourself as the local expert, it will naturally lead to more patients on your doorstep. P.S. Google owns YouTube. More high-quality videos = higher search engine rankings for your practice.

3. Tons of 5-Star Google Reviews

This one is non-negotiable. If you want to leverage THE HIGHEST QUALITY source of patients who will practically come begging you for treatment and never leave you, build up a stock of dozens or even hundreds of glowing Google Reviews. For a new patient, these imbue the ultimate level of trust (in a world where trust is a scarce and precious commodity). In the struggle against big corporate behemoths like Walmart, Google Reviews are your nuclear weapons.

2020 has been devastating in countless ways. But it’s not a set of isolated incidents that will never happen again. Floods, terrorist attacks, civil unrest, worldwide pandemics; what do they have in common? They will continue to occur over time. AND…they create uncertainty and doubt among consumers.

You have to control patients’ perceptions of who they can trust. You can become the sound voice of reason amidst the fury of confusion. The best way to do that is to show up on Google as the most trusted, established and liked doctor in your area. And don’t wait…as 2020 is showing us, there could be (and most likely is) going to be another catastrophic event around the corner.

Want to know how 8-Figure Dentists use effective marketing to grow their practice? Graig has created a foolproof “Black Book” that FINALLY “peels back the curtain” on how easy it REALLY is for any practice to reach their goals without spending gobs of money.

The strategies revealed have only been shown to high paying private clients, BUT as the New Dental Economy continues to make it harder to attract patients…now is the time to share this knowledge.

Visit www.LocalSearchForDentists.com/TPDBlackBook and instantly download this FREE Dental Marketing Secrets Black Book that will show you EXACTLY how to attract…More Phone Calls. More New Patients. More Profit.

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