Home 2024 Practice Management Issue Go “Outside the Op” with Dr. Collin Larson

Go “Outside the Op” with Dr. Collin Larson

by Collin Larson

Balancing Wellness with Practice Ownership - Collin Larson Style

Navigating the responsibilities of dentistry and practice ownership while maintaining personal well-being is no easy task. For many dentists, finding this balance is crucial not only for their professional success but also for their personal happiness. Dr. Collin Larson, a general dentist practicing in New Albany, Indiana, shares his insights on how he manages this balance.  Let’s go “Outside the Op” and hear Collin’s approach…   

A Personal and Professional Introduction

Collin made the courageous decision to leave his corporate dental position and open his own private practice in September 2023. This move allowed him to practice dentistry in a way that aligns with his values—giving patients the time and attention they deserve. Collin lives in Sellersburg, Indiana, with his wife, Mary, who is also a dentist, and their two young daughters, aged three and one. When not in the office, he enjoys spending time with his family, exploring local playgrounds, dining out, homebrewing beer, and immersing himself in the world of Dungeons and Dragons.

Educational Background and the Path to Dentistry

Collin holds a BA in Biology and Japanese from Indiana University (2011), an MS in Biology from IUPUI (2012), and a DMD from the University of Louisville School of Dentistry (2016). His journey into dentistry began unexpectedly at the age of 16, after a basketball injury severely fractured his front teeth. The transformative experience of having his teeth restored sparked an interest in dentistry. After his brother chose the same path and further discussions with a family dentist, Collin was convinced to switch from pre-med to pre-dental, drawn by the opportunity to help others, the artistic nature of the profession, and the flexibility it offered.

Challenges of Practice Ownership

Starting a practice from scratch presents unique challenges. For Collin, one of the biggest hurdles has been increasing awareness about his practice. While marketing efforts have played a role, he attributes much of the practice’s early success to his exceptional team and the positive word-of-mouth generated by satisfied patients. Alison, the Practice Manager; the two Emilys, both Dental Hygienists; Bailey, who handles social media and graphic design; and Candace, the Dental Assistant, all play vital roles in creating a welcoming environment that encourages patients to share their positive experiences online.

Managing Stress and Finding Balance

Owning a dental practice comes with a different level of stress—it’s not just about providing for his own family but also ensuring the well-being of his staff, who rely on the practice’s success. The responsibility of managing the practice, coupled with the pressures of patient care, can be overwhelming. Collin notes that while patients may express discomfort or even frustration during visits, the real challenge lies in maintaining a positive experience for them, despite the inherent stress of dental appointments.

To cope with these stresses, Collin prioritizes spending time with his daughters, relishing the opportunity to experience life through their eyes. He also finds solace in his hobbies, particularly fantasy games and reading, which provide a much-needed escape from the demands of practice ownership.

A Few Personal Insights

While most of his dental peers may not know it, Collin is a big poker fan, enjoying the strategy and characters of the game, even if he’s never participated in a tournament himself. Another surprising fact is that many people still believe he and his brother are twins, despite their two-year age difference and distinct appearances—a misconception that has followed them since dental school.

Memorable Experiences and Regrets

Among the most memorable experiences of his life, Collin ranks watching his daughters’ births at the top. Traveling to Rome with his wife and playing tour guide in Japan for friends and his brother are also cherished memories. On the flip side, one of the dumbest things he recalls is a childhood mishap where he accidentally broke a crowned front tooth while pretending to be a ninja—a secret he never revealed to his parents.

A Favorite Quote and Words of Wisdom

Collin draws inspiration from the fantasy character Raistlin Majere, whose quote, “Bow only in reverence, never in subservience,” resonates with him. To Collin, it’s a reminder to show respect on his own terms, not simply because it’s expected.

When reflecting on his career, Collin admits his biggest regret is not opening his own practice sooner. He encourages younger dentists to consider the path of practice ownership if it aligns with their goals and is always willing to offer advice to those embarking on a similar journey.

For Collin, balancing the demands of dental practice ownership with personal well-being is an ongoing process. By prioritizing family, pursuing hobbies, and maintaining a strong team, he manages to navigate the complexities of both roles.  Thanks for sharing your insights, Collin – you’re a lot of fun!


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