Home Practice ManagementPatient Relationships Collect What You Produce – Part 9: When Patients Complain About Fees

Collect What You Produce – Part 9: When Patients Complain About Fees

by Cathy Jameson

Don’t Fear the Fee Talk: How to Keep Patients and Protect Profits

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
— Maya Angelou

Is It Time to Adjust Your Fees?

January is a great time to analyze your practice’s critical factors—including your fee schedule. National dental fee surveys are typically released this time of year, and they can help you determine whether your fees are appropriate for your location and style of practice.

Still, many dentists hesitate to raise fees, especially after a difficult year. But consider this:

  • Have your operational costs increased?

  • Have you calculated the rising cost of care?

For example, infection control costs have doubled, from $15 to $30 per patient. That adds up—quickly.

Understandably, you may worry about patient complaints. But patients will always question fees. What matters most is how you respond.

What Patients Really Understand About Dental Fees

Most patients don’t understand dental procedures—or what they cost. Ask someone what a three-surface composite restoration is, and you’ll likely get a blank stare. But when you describe it simply as removing decay and restoring the tooth to health with a beautiful, lasting, tooth-colored material—everyone says, “Yes, I’d want that.”

Ask them how much they think that should cost. They don’t know.

Tell them it’s $1,000, and many will hesitate.

Then ask, “If you could make small monthly payments—say $30—would that help you move forward?”

Almost everyone says, “Yes.”

The truth is, most objections aren’t about the total cost—they’re about affordability. That’s where your communication and payment options matter most.

The Reality of Complaints

If your fee is $400 and you raise it 10% to $440, the patient who complains now would have complained at $400 too. People don’t usually know what the fee was—they just know it feels high. That doesn’t mean they won’t accept treatment. It just means they may need help paying.

You must know your cost of operation and monitor it carefully. If your costs go up and your fees don’t, your profit margin shrinks. And when that happens, you can’t give raises, offer benefits, or cover rising expenses.

There are only three ways to increase profits:

  1. Increase production

  2. Decrease costs

  3. Raise fees

Doing all three increases profit significantly.

Why Dentists Hesitate to Raise Fees

Common concerns:

  • Patients will be upset or complain.

  • People will think you’re “gouging” them.

  • Patients may leave for lower-fee providers or managed care practices.

These are understandable fears—but they’re often unfounded. Here’s what to do instead:

  • Analyze your fees every 6 months. You don’t have to raise them every time—but make sure they align with current costs and your value.

  • If costs for a specific procedure have increased, adjust that fee.

  • Train your team to support your pricing—not undermine it.

“If no staff member asks for a raise all year, then the doctor can skip a fee increase.” – Dr. Charles Blair

Set fees that are fair for the quality you deliver. Most patients won’t even notice the change—especially when you’re constantly improving the patient experience.

When You’re Too Busy, It May Be Time to Raise Fees

Some practices are so busy, they’re overwhelmed. Too many appointments, not enough time, and new patients pushed out too far. This leads to stress, inefficiency, and lost opportunities for comprehensive care.

If demand is high, the law of supply and demand is in your favor. Raise fees strategically. You may lose a few price-shoppers, but you’ll gain margin, time, and control. Plus, you can improve case acceptance by spending more time with each patient.

At Jameson Management, we call this the Model of Success:

  • See fewer patients per day

  • Do more dentistry per patient (when appropriate)

  • Reduce the number of visits

  • Minimize team size

  • Maximize team talent

  • Increase and share profits

  • Decrease stress

Raising Fees: The Math Behind It

According to Dr. Blair:

  • If your overhead is 65%, you’d have to lose 22.3% of your patients after a 10% fee increase to hurt your bottom line.

  • A 10% increase in fees (with no new overhead) increases profit by over 28.6%.

If you raise fees, be ready. A few patients may push back. That’s where your team’s communication skills are vital.

Example Script:

Patient: “Didn’t your fees go up again?”
Team Member: “Yes, Ms. Jones, we’ve had a small increase due to rising operational costs. We’re committed to excellent care, and our fees reflect that quality.”
Patient: “Feels like it’s more every time I come in.”
Team Member: “Not every time—but when costs increase, we adjust our fees. We don’t cut corners with materials or care. We want to give you the best—and we believe you deserve that.”

Everyone on your team must believe in the value you provide and the fairness of your fees.

“A fair fee is one where the patient feels the service was worth the investment, and the provider feels fairly compensated.” – Dr. L.D. Pankey

Dealing with Insurance Pushback

Letters from insurance companies stating that your fees are “above usual and customary” can create confusion and mistrust. This is a third party interfering in your patient relationship—and it can shake your team’s confidence.

If insurance complaints cause your team to question your fees, it’s time to refocus. Don’t lower fees in response to outside pressure. Reevaluate your numbers and your systems—but stand firm on your value.

Action Steps:

  1. Train your team on handling fee objections.

  2. Prepare a patient letter addressing “usual and customary” concerns.

  3. Draft a formal response to send to insurance companies and state insurance commissioners.

To Summarize…

No one likes to lose patients—or hear complaints. But most patients won’t leave over a small increase in fees—especially if they trust your team and perceive value.

Don’t let a few voices sway your decisions. Don’t let the minority rule the majority.

Refusing to raise fees when your costs are rising can lead to burnout—or even closure. And then, no one wins—not your team, not your patients, and not you.

Hold up a mirror to your practice. Are you delivering excellent care? If not, adjust. Then set your fees to match your quality—and support your success.

Invest in your communication skills. Present fees confidently. Answer objections with empathy and clarity. Deliver care you’re proud of, and let your fees reflect that pride.

Read the Collect What You Produce 10-part series here

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