Julie Spaniel DDS is a 1991 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and currently in private practice in Tualatin, Oregon. Dr. Spaniel serves on the Board of Trustees for the Oregon Dental Association as an ADA Delegate and is also actively involved with the ADA. Chairing the Dental Wellness Initiative for the state of Oregon and District 11, Dr Spaniel shares her concern and efforts toward the health and well-being of dentists in our state as well as national efforts. Dr Spaniel is on the Dental Wellness Advisory Committee for the American Dental Association, keeping our healthcare professionals healthy. This involves speaker presentations, outreach, education, and quarterly meetings. She served on the first Cohort of ten Wellness Ambassadors to the American Dental Association. Dr Spaniel is the current President of the Academy for Private Dental Practice, where she continues to serve on the board and consult. She is on the board and President-Elect of the Oregon Academy of General Dentistry. She serves as Immediate Past President on the executive board of the Washington County Dental Society and is actively involved in the American Academy of Oral Systemic Health. Dr. Spaniel is an associate clinical professor at Oregon Health Sciences University, a Fellow of the American College of Dentistry, and a Fellow of the International College of Dentists. Dr. Spaniel is passionate about global healthcare outreach. As the founder of One World Brigades, a mobile dental clinic serving rural Uganda, Kenya, Ghana, and Honduras, she focuses on teaching students the spirit of service while immersing them in different and beautiful cultures. She is currently working to build and develop a primary school in the Maasai Mara region of Kenya, which serves as her medical and dental clinic twice a year. She has worked her entire career to mentor youth in her community, encouraging many who’ve gone on to become dental professionals.