Welcome to the 2020 Spring/Summer Issue of The Profitable Dentist Magazine. You’ll find valuable articles to help you overcome the challenges of …
July 2020
- Mental WellnessWell-Being
Treating the Pain Behind the Smiles
by Frank Kingby Frank King 5 minutes readSuicide Prevention as a Dental Practice Health and Safety Issue
- Credit Card ProcessingPractice ManagementOperations
Visa™ Announces Rate Increase.
by particaby partica 3 minutes readWhat does this mean for you?
Forget the mouthwash; forget the gum; forget the mints. This is a real professional CURE, not a treatment; and, it doesn’t depend…
- ImplantsClinical
CBCT Used To Diagnose And Place Implants: A Practical Approach
by Timothy Kosinski 9 minutes readCBCT analysis is a tool that has made the practicing dental implant surgeon more proficient and efficient, whether he/she be a general…
This month’s editorial deals with one of the greatest mysteries of dentistry and life itself, the inferior alveolar nerve block, affectionately known…
Handy During A Pandemic
- Practice ManagementMembership Plans
Implement A Membership Plan Now To Jump Start Your Dental Practice When The COVID-19 Crisis Lifts
by Dave Monahanby Dave Monahan 6 minutes readSweeping dental practice closures due to the COVID-19 crisis have created a backlog of patients with dental care treatment needs, from preventative…
Since I started practicing nearly 10 years ago, I’ve seen a lot of changes. Implant have become accepted as mainstream to patients,…
- PayrollPractice ManagementOperations
SPECIAL REPORT: Hygiene Transition To Commission
by Michael Abernathy 18 minutes readI realize that I am about to step off the deep end with hygienists and am placing a huge challenge in the…